Wednesday, 1 September 2010

So long, Farewell!

Soooo the time has come for us to go our seperate ways and bop off to uni! Our last few gigs have been wonderful, alth0ugh after a long summer apart we were a bit rusty to say the least! We were lucky enough to be able to play at Local and Live, a 4 day festival in Tunbridge Wells run by Paul 'P-Diddy' Dunton, where every act was amazing AND we got free bangers and mash! YESSSS. Then it was off to 'The Wiremill' in Lingfield to a Sunday music event run by the wonderful Olly Tully who we hadn't seen in aaaaaaaaaaaages (since tour) and whose witty banter and crazy dance moves have been sorely missed. As it was our last gig for a long while we played a longer set, complete with old favourite covers.. and then chilled out by the lake with tea and pudding and game after game of grabble (scrabble but better).
This year has been INCREDIBLE and although we're definitely still going to be doing LOTS band-wise, not gigging and seeing each other as much will feel so strange! Ellie will be swanning about on the bonny hills of scotland in her orange St. Andrews robes, C will be having cups of 'char' in Brummie land, and Ims will be donning tartan in Edinburgh and och ayeing me laddie till the wee hours of the mairn. So lovely reader(s?) a fond farewell for now and we shall write more until the joyful day when we are reunited!!

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